
Ciné-ONU ist mittlerweile eine europaweite Initiative von regelmäßigen Filmvorführungen, die ursprünglich im Jahre 2007 vom Regionalen Informationszentrum der Vereinten Nationen in Brüssel ins Leben gerufen wurde. Dabei werden Filme zu UNO-relevanten Themen gezeigt und im Anschluss Podiumsdiskussionen mit geladenen Gästen veranstaltet.

In Österreich startete der Informationsdienst der Vereinten Nationen (UNIS) in Wien im April 2012 mit "Ciné-ONU Vienna" und freut sich mit this human world (THW) Film-Festival und Topkino für regelmäßige Filmvorführungen (in englischer Sprache) in Wien zu kooperieren.

Die erste Ciné-ONU Filmvorführung fand am 23. April 2012 im Wiener Topkino mit der Vorpremiere des Spielfilmes "Little Dancer" des österreichischen Filmregisseurs George Jecel statt, gefolgt von einer Diskussion zum Thema Menschenhandel mit dem Filmregisseur, UNO-Experten und einer NGO-Vertreterin. (Link zur Webstory)

Der Eintritt ist bei allen Filmvorführungen frei. Bitte kommen Sie rechtzeitig, da die insgesamt 109 verfügbaren Plätze nach Eintreffen der Gäste vergeben werden.

Ciné-ONU Filmvorführungen werden in verschiedenen Sprachen gezeigt, üblicherweise in der Originalsprache mit englischen Untertiteln. Details zu den Sprachen der einzelnen Filme entnehmen Sie bitte Ihrer Einladung. 

Neben den Ciné-ONU Vienna Events im Topkino veranstaltet UNIS Vienna auch weiterhin Filmvorführungen im Vienna International Center.

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US, 2019
96 min., OV
In 1977, NASA struggled to recruit scientists, engineers and astronauts for their new Space Shuttle Program. That’s when Nichelle Nichols, Star  Trek’s Lt. Uhura, challenged NASA by asking the question: “Where are my people?” and embarked on a four-month campaign to recruit the first Black, Latino and Asian men and women to fly in space.


ES 85 min., OV
From the Pacific Ocean to the eastern plains, this film portrays the brave stories of Colombian women and their tireless efforts in peacebuilding. Deeply affected by the Colombian conflict, these women have faced unimaginable struggles and challenges, yet their fighting spirit, like water, grows stronger together when united. This documentary positions women’s truth and memory as a necessary condition for sustainable peace, amplifying their voices at the centre of public debate.


US, 2021
78 min., OV
A leader in a white nationalist hate group finds healing from the people he once hated:
a Muslim heart doctor and his town of refugees. Chris Buckley is a husband and father, a veteran, and until recently, a leader in the KKK. He started hating Muslims when the planes hit the Twin Towers, but is forced to confront his hate when he receives a text from a Muslim refugee, Dr. Heval Kelli, a cardiologist and Kurdish refugee living in the resettlement community of Clarkston, Georgia (USA). Refuge illustrates the roots of hate, its devastating impacts and ultimately how it can be overcome.


UK, 2023
95 min., eOV
An Associated Press (AP) team of Ukrainian journalists trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol struggle to continue their work documenting the Russian invasion. As the only international reporters who remain in the city, they capture what later become defining images of the war: dying children, mass graves, the bombing of a maternity hospital, and more. The film draws on AP Journalist Mstyslav Chernov’s daily news dispatches and personal footage of his own country at war. It offers a vivid, harrowing account of civilians caught in the siege, as well as a window into what it’s like to report from a conflict zone, and the impact of such journalism around the globe.


US, 2023
45 min., eOV
Drawing on decades of work by the world’s most famous living ethologist and environmentalist, Jane Goodall - Reasons for Hope is an uplifting journey around the globe to highlight good news stories that will inspire people to make a difference in the world around them. Throughout, the film reinforces Jane's four pillars of hope that signal tremendous hope for the future: the amazing human intellect, the resilience of nature, the power and dedication of young people, and the indomitable human spirit.


, 2023
59 min., eOV
With the Doomsday Clock the closest it's ever been to midnight, British journalist and film-maker Jane Corbin investigates the proliferation of nuclear weapons across the globe. This is a story told by the scientists, investigators and diplomats who set the clock and have fought to ensure that the ultimate deterrent has not been used in over 70 years.

Free admission


TR, 2022
82 min., OmdU
'My Name is Happy' tells the inspirational story of teenage singing sensation Mutlu Kaya as she makes a remarkable journey from gunshot victim to fearless survivor. As she battles to heal her haunting voice, she campaigns for women’s right in Turkey and beyond. Mutlu means ‘happy’ in Turkish.


GB, 2019
90 min., OV
Documentary compiling the testimonies of the last remaining Holocaust survivors living in Britain, all of whom were children at the time, and following them over the course of a year as they embark upon personal and profound journeys.



US/DE, 2022
89 min., OmdU
From Here is a hopeful story of artists and activists based in Berlin and New York whose lives hang in the balance of immigration and integration debates. Our protagonists move from their 20s into their 30s as they fight for citizenship, start families and find room for creative expression. This sensitive and nuanced documentary captures their journeys to define what it means to “belong” in societies that are increasingly hostile to their existence. Filmed over a decade in two of the world’s largest immigration countries–the U.S. and Germany–their individual stories echo the millions of young people from immigrant families coming of age during this era of rising nationalism. FROM HERE showcases not only their struggles, but enormous power.


Ciné ONU: PLAY: Discover the power of play

, 2022
45 min., OmdU
This documentary, by Etienne Claret, takes us on a journey with professional snowboarder and Olympian Pat Burgener, the International Ski and Snowboard Federation, and the NGO Right To Play to meet refugee children in Lebanon who are growing up in difficult circumstances. The movie shows different perspectives on what play and play-based education can do in children's lives and how play can motivate them to shape their own lives. We witness their reality and how they gain courage and hope through various forms of play, including on their first day of play in the snow in the Lebanese mountains.

Admission free

Ciné-ONU: AHIMSA - GANDHI: The Power of the Powerless

IN, 2021
92 min., OmdU
The film narrates the impact of the Gandhian message of Non-Violence worldwide; how it inspired Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement in USA, the Solidarity Movement in Poland, The Velvet Revolution of Havel, and the Anti-Apartheid strife in South Africa and Nelson Mandela’s fight against injustice, oppression, racism and his struggle to restore basic human rights and dignity for the coloured citizens of his country. In short, the film decodes the power of Non-Violence and why it remains relevant to this day.


CA/FR, 2021
88 min., OmdU
A very human tech doc, “The Gig Is Up” uncovers the real costs of the platform economy through the lives of people working for companies around the world, including Uber, Amazon and Deliveroo. From delivering food and driving ride shares to tagging images for artificial intelligence (AI), millions of people around the world are finding work task by task online. The gig economy is worth over 5 trillion USD globally, and growing. Who are the people in this shadow workforce? “The Gig Is Up” brings their stories into the light.


US, 2021
98 min., OmdU
The documentary begins in a country thousands of Syrian refugees risk their lives to reach—Greece. Like other desperate families, Yasmin and her children escaped the civil war in Syria by boat. Although she made it to Greece, she lost her youngest son during the treacherous sea crossing and remains separated from her husband. Samra, a single mother living in Turkey struggles to make a living and considers the difficult decision of placing her children in an orphanage to give them a better life. In the U.S., Omar takes a low-paying delivery job to provide for his younger brother who is traumatized by the past. The documentary highlights the sacrifices and risks refugees take to survive and the deep emotional bonds of family that keeps their hope alive in spite of all obstacles.


DK/CZ/US, 2022
100 min., OmdU
To mark World Press Freedom Day, the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna, in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of the Slovak Republic to the UN, OSCE and other International Organisations in Vienna to the United Nations (Vienna) invites you to the Ciné-ONU Vienna screening of the film “The Killing of a Journalist”.

A young investigative journalist and his fiancée are brutally murdered in their home in Slovakia. Their deaths inspire the biggest protests in Slovakia since the fall of communism. The story takes an unexpected turn when a source leaks the secret murder case file to the murdered journalist’s colleagues. It includes the computers and encrypted communications of the assassination’s alleged mastermind, a businessman closely connected to the country’s ruling party. Trawling these encrypted messages, journalists discover that their country has been captured by corrupt oligarchs, judges and law enforcement officials. A reckoning awaits.

Ciné-ONU: THE LONELIEST WHALE: The search for 52

US, 2021
96 min., eOV
To mark International Mother Earth Day, the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna, in cooperation with the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), invites you to the Ciné-ONU Vienna screening of the film.

The Search for the Loneliest Whale in the World is a feature-length documentary that will take audiences on a journey to find the forgotten "52 Hertz Whale." Calling out at 52 Hz, a frequency unrecognized by other whales, this mysterious creature is believed to have lived its life in complete solitude, its calls forever unanswered by its own kind.


US, 2022
96 min., eOV
“The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks”, based on the bestselling biography by Jeanne Theoharis and executive produced by award-winning journalist Soledad O’Brien, takes a deeper dive into Rosa Parks’ often overlooked breadth of accomplishments and the impact of her fight to overcome racial injustice. Detailing her achievements beyond the mere fraction of Parks' life taught in schools, the film takes a deeper dive into the groundbreaking actions spearheaded by Rosa throughout the course of the civil rights movement.

Free admission, first come, first served


BR/DK/US, 2022
85 min., OmdU
THE TERRITORY provides an immersive on-the-ground look at the tireless fight of the Indigenous Uru-eu-wau-wau people against the encroaching deforestation brought by farmers and illegal settlers in the Brazilian Amazon. With awe inspiring cinematography showcasing the titular landscape and richly textured sound design, the film takes audiences deep into the Uru-eu-wau-wau community and provides unprecedented access to the farmers and settlers illegally burning and clearing the protected Indigenous land. Partially shot by the Uru-euwau-wau people, the film relies on vérité footage captured over three years as the community risks their lives to set up their own news media team in the hopes of exposing the truth. More information:


IL/DE, 2021
56 min., OmdU
How did a football match between enemies become a turning point in history? Twenty-five years after the Holocaust, against insurmountable emotional and political barriers and threats of terror, Israel national team and German Borussia
Mönchengladbach met in a match whose importance marked the beginning of the normalization between Israel and Germany. Through interviews with former German and Israeli footballers, historians, and diplomats, along with rare archival materials, the film examines the power of personal friendships to bring down the wall between nations, and of football, to pave the way between adversaries. More information:


FR, 2019
90 min., OmdU
To mark International Day to End Impunity of Crimes against Journalists, the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna, in cooperation with the Austrian Commission for UNESCO, cordially invites you to the Ciné-ONU Vienna screening of the movie “CAMILLE”, with opening remarks by Martin Fritz, Secretary-General of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO, and followed by a panel discussion.

Camille, a young idealistic photojournalist, goes to the Central African Republic to cover the civil war that is brewing up. What she sees there will change her destiny forever.


HK, 2022
40 min., eOV
The Last Glaciers tells the story of climate change through the visual impact of one of the planet’s most important and yet critically threatened resources – glaciers. This film is a code red wake-up call that distills the dense science on climate change in to an easy to understand and visual journey of the facts. A heart-wrenching story of discovery that takes the audience on a thrilling ride of extreme sports whilst sharing the camaraderie of the team as they confront personal challenges amongst the immense beauty of natural mountain environments. For more information:


GB, 2021
80 min., OmdU
An inspirational tale of rebellion, courage and hope in patriarchal Nepal. Silenced and subjugated for most of her life, uneducated Belmaya takes up the movie camera to tell her story. Spanning 14 years, Sue Carpenter and Belmaya Nepali‘s feature-length documentary follows Belmaya’s transformational journey as she stands up to her husband and society, and reclaims her voice through filmmaking. For more information:


NL, 2021
90 min., OmdU
Shadow Game is an experimentally filmed account of the far-reaching consequences of European asylum policy. Now that fences have gone up all over Europe, seeking asylum has become almost impossible. The teenagers cross snowy landscapes and meet aggressive border police on their way. Reaching their final destination has become more difficult than ever. Their journey takes them through the whole of Europe: from Greece to North Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, from Italy to France and The Netherlands. The film was shot over a period of three years, partly by the main characters themselves on their phones.


CZ, 2020
91 min., OmeU (tschechisch)
Tomáš has been working underground as a coal miner for 25 years. When the mine has to close due to the general decline of coal mining, he is offered a new career as a computer programmer. He enrolls in a state-funded re-education programme, preparing him for one of the most in-demand jobs. Tomáš takes up the challenge and gets ready to transform his life radically. But will a forty-something long-haired, subterranean punk rocker who has spent his whole life performing hard physical labour ever fit in with the young and trendy digital crowd?


IS, 2021
70 min., OmdU

In 2015 a basketball team for girls was formed in Iceland. The coach was experienced, unconditional and constantly raised the bar. The girls were trained as leaders off the field and like professional athletes on the field. Early on they set their goal high, they would always compete with the best team and with that ambition they were victorious both competing in girls’ and boys’ tournaments. Until they no longer were allowed to compete with the boys. This is a story of 8–13-year-old girls, who wanted to change the paradigm in women’s basketball in Iceland. With great sacrifice, they faced the challenges they met.




CA, 2017
52 min., OmU
Can fashion save the planet? Through awareness, we evolve.

Following international river conservationist, Mark Angelo, RIVERBLUE spans the globe to infiltrate one of the world’s most pollutive industries, fashion. Narrated by clean water supporter Jason Priestley, this groundbreaking documentary examines the destruction of our rivers, its effect on humanity, and the solutions that inspire hope for a sustainable future.



GB, 2019
97 min., OmdU
Maiden is the inspirational story of how Tracy Edwards, a 24-year-old cook on charter boats, became the skipper of the first ever all-female crew to enter the Whitbread Round the World Race in 1989. Tracy’s dream was opposed on all sides: her male competitors  thought  an  all-women  crew would never make it, the chauvinistic yachting press took bets on her failure, and potential sponsors rejected her, fearing they would die at sea andgenerate bad publicity.


SE, 2019
92 min., OmdU
Housing  prices  are  skyrocketing  in  cities  around  the world.  Incomes  are  not.  PUSH  sheds  light  on  a  new kind  of faceless landlord, our increasingly unliveable cities and an escalating crisis that has an effect on us all. This is not gentrification, it’s a different  kind  of  monster.
FREE ENTRY - First Come First Serve

Bureau 06

Il, 2013
58 min., OmdU
The film is about "Bureau 06", the team of police investigators formed for the intent purpose of investigating and preparing the grave charges brought up by the Jewish people against Adolf Eichmann, for the trial that took place in Jerusalem, 1961. The trial that presented the story of the Jewish Holocaust to the entire world in a way that it had not been told before.

Keep talking

US, 2017
79 min., OmdU
Keep Talking follows four Alaska Native women fighting to save Kodiak Alutiiq, an endangered language now spoken by less than 40 remaining fluent Native Elders. Their small community travels to remote Afognak Island to start teaching kids Alutiiq. At the camp, Sadie, a troubled teen, is inspired to begin learning the language and dances of her ancestors. Over the next 5 years the women overcome historical and personal traumas to find joy and hope in the revitalization of their cultural heritage.

The Daughter Tree

CA, 2019
88 min., OmdU

The Daughter Tree follows a midwife struggling to encourage women to bring baby girls into the world. In the Village of Men, where no baby girl has been born for two decades, families here are marooned in a womanless existence. It's when we visit the Village of the Daughter Tree that we discover something quite magical has been going on in a remote corner of India. Every time a baby girl is born, a tree is planted. The tree grows, the baby grows. As an adult, she makes a living selling its fruit -this way the girl is independent,and the environment is greener.They call this tree the Daughter Tree.

Filmscreening samt Q&A

The Judge

PS/US, 2017
81 min., OmdU
The documentary “The Judge” follows the story of Judge Kholoud Al-Faqih in her career as a judge in the Sharia Court of Ramallah. As the first woman judge appointed to a Sharia Court in Palestine, Judge Al-Faqih has defied convention and paved the way for future female judges. The documentary describes her journey, as well as her quest for equality in the judiciary. This includes her commitment to equality when deciding family court cases on issues that disproportionately affect the lives of women, such as domestic violence.


GB, 2018
84 min., OmU
To  mark World  Refugee  Day,  the United  Nations  Information  Service  (UNIS)  Vienna,  in  cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Austria, this human world film festival and Topkino, invites you to the Ciné-ONU Vienna screening of the movie “Refugee”.


NL, 2016
90 min., OmU
Ciné-ONU ist mittlerweile eine europaweite Initiative von regelmäßigen Filmvorführungen, die ursprünglich im Jahre 2007 vom Regionalen Informationszentrum der Vereinten Nationen (UNRIC) in Brüssel ins Leben gerufen wurde. Dabei werden Filme zu UNO-relevanten Themen gezeigt und im Anschluss Podiumsdiskussionen mit geladenen Gästen, die entweder zur Entstehung des Filmes beigetragen haben oder Experten für das im Film behandelte Thema sind, veranstaltet.
free entry / no reservations

Ciné-ONU: Under the Wire

GB, 2018
99 min., OV
To mark World Press Freedom Day, the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna, in cooperation with the International Press Institute (IPI), this human worldfilm festivaland Topkino, invites you to the Ciné-ONU Vienna screening of the movie “Under the Wire”.
(free entry / no reservations / first come, first serve)

City of Joy

US, 2016
74 min., OmU
To mark International Women’s Day, the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna, in cooperation with the UN Women National Committee Austria, this human world film festival and Topkino, invites you to the Ciné-ONU Vienna screening of the movie “City of Joy”

free entry / first come first serve / no reservations


2017, IT
62 min.,
Der High-Tech-Forscher David Monacchi kennt den Amazonas-Wald gut, seine Forschungsmethode ist jedoch eher ungewöhnlich. Tonkünstler, «Field Recordist», öko-akustischer Komponist – er erschliesst das Gelände über seine Geräuschkulisse. Denn die akustische Landschaft dieser Region ist ebenso vielfältig wie die heimische Tierwelt, die die Geräusche erzeugt. Heute sind die Arten von der Klimaerwärmung und dem Eingreifen des Menschen in die Natur bedroht, und auch die Lärmbelastung ist für das Verschwinden zahlreicher Tierarten verantwortlich.

Dear Fredy

, 2017
74 min., OmU
To mark the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna, in cooperation with the Permanent Missions of Israel and the Czech Republic to the United Nations (Vienna), this human world film festival and Topkino, invites you to the Ciné-ONU Vienna screening of the movie “Dear Fredy”.

Thank you for the Rain

, 2017
90 min., OV (englisch)
The United Nations information Service (UNIS) Vienna, in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations (Vienna), this human world film festival and Top Kino, invites you to the Ciné-ONU Vienna screening of the movie "Thank you for the rain".


US, 2018
93 min., OV (englisch)
“Unless we go to Circular it’s game over for the planet; it’s game over for society”. A documentary on the success of circular and sustainable business principles.

The United Nations Information Service (UNIS)Vienna, in cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), this human worldfilm festivaland Topkino, invites you to the Ciné-ONU Vienna screening of the movie “Closing the Loop”...