In 2015 a basketball team
for girls was formed in Iceland. The coach was experienced, unconditional and constantly raised the bar. The girls were trained
as leaders off the field and like professional athletes on the field. Early on they set their goal high, they would always
compete with the best team and with that ambition they were victorious both competing in girls’ and boys’ tournaments. Until
they no longer were allowed to compete with the boys. This is a story of 8–13-year-old girls, who wanted to change the paradigm
in women’s basketball in Iceland. With great sacrifice, they faced the challenges they met.
Lisa Zderadicka: Austrian National Basketball Team Player
Nikola Staritz: Expert on Anti-discrimination, Manager Erasmus+ project “Let the girls play”, fairplay-VIDC (tbc)
Georgia Dimitropoulou: Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Martin Nesirky: Director, United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna (Moderator)
Admission free | Limited Seating |REGISTRATION REQUIRED |2.5G rules apply | Facial mask is required
Register by sending an email to unis.vienna@un.org by 7 October 2021.
“Ciné-ONU Vienna” is part of a Europe-wide initiative of regular film screenings of UN related topics followed by podium discussions with invited guests who were part of the film making process or are experts in the topic covered by the film. The United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna is honoured to have “Ciné-ONU Vienna” partner with this human world (THW) film festival and Top Kino for the regular film screenings in Vienna. For more information: www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/events/cine-onu-vienna.html
If you would like to receive invitations for
Ciné ONU Vienna film screenings by email, please write to unis.vienna@un.org
Please note the United Nations does not necessarily endorse the views and opinions expressed in films screened at Ciné ONU events.