Ciné-ONU: AHIMSA - GANDHI: The Power of the Powerless

The film narrates the impact of the Gandhian message of Non-Violence worldwide; how it inspired
Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement in USA, the Solidarity Movement in Poland, The Velvet Revolution of Havel,
and the Anti-Apartheid strife in South Africa and Nelson Mandela’s fight against injustice, oppression, racism and his struggle
to restore basic human rights and dignity for the coloured citizens of his country. In short, the film decodes the power of
Non-Violence and why it remains relevant to this day.
Followed by a panel discussion with:
Simran Bedi – Executive Producer, ‘Ahisma - Gandhi: The Power of the Powerless’
Moritz Ehrmann – Director, Austrian Centre for Peace
Rebecca Jovin – Chief of Office, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
Ashis Ray – Indian Broadcaster and Journalist
Martin Nesirky – Director, UNIS Vienna (moderator)
For more information about Ciné-ONU Vienna:
Please note the United Nations does not necessarily endorse the views and opinions expressed in films screened at Ciné-ONU events.
Photographs and videos are being taken at this event which may be used for promotional purposes on UN websites, on social media and in printed materials. Your participation in the event implies your consent to publish images/videos in which you and/or your child
Admission free | No bookings taken
Admission is first come, first served | Please come early
Accessible for people with a mobility disability
Simran Bedi – Executive Producer, ‘Ahisma - Gandhi: The Power of the Powerless’
Moritz Ehrmann – Director, Austrian Centre for Peace
Rebecca Jovin – Chief of Office, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
Ashis Ray – Indian Broadcaster and Journalist
Martin Nesirky – Director, UNIS Vienna (moderator)
For more information about Ciné-ONU Vienna:
Please note the United Nations does not necessarily endorse the views and opinions expressed in films screened at Ciné-ONU events.
Photographs and videos are being taken at this event which may be used for promotional purposes on UN websites, on social media and in printed materials. Your participation in the event implies your consent to publish images/videos in which you and/or your child
Admission free | No bookings taken
Admission is first come, first served | Please come early
Accessible for people with a mobility disability