Bureau 06

The film is about "Bureau 06", the team of police investigators formed for the intent purpose
of investigating and preparing the grave charges brought up by the Jewish people against Adolf Eichmann, for the trial that
took place in Jerusalem, 1961. The trial that presented the story of the Jewish Holocaust to the entire world in a way that
it had not been told before.
“Bureau 06” tells the unique personal and shared
stories of this team of investigators, their hardships, their confessions and the emotional turmoil they experienced, together
and alone. Among them is the story of Avner Less, Adolf Eichmann's personal interrogator, who spent more than 275 hours with
Eichmann and then left Israel after the trial and took back his GermanIdentity card.
Yoav Halevy: Film director of BUREAU 06
Béla Rásky: Managing Director,Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI)
Oliver Scheiber: Judge, Head of the District Court of Meidling (Vienna)
Sigall Horovitz: Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Martin Nesirky: Director, United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna, Moderator
For more information: www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/events/cine-onu-vienna.html
Yoav Halevy: Film director of BUREAU 06
Béla Rásky: Managing Director,Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI)
Oliver Scheiber: Judge, Head of the District Court of Meidling (Vienna)
Sigall Horovitz: Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Martin Nesirky: Director, United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna, Moderator
For more information: www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/events/cine-onu-vienna.html