Tomáš has been working underground as a coal miner for 25 years. When the mine has to close
due to the general decline of coal mining, he is offered a new career as a computer programmer. He enrolls in a state-funded
re-education programme, preparing him for one of the most in-demand jobs. Tomáš takes up the challenge and gets ready to transform
his life radically. But will a forty-something long-haired, subterranean punk rocker who has spent his whole life performing
hard physical labour ever fit in with the young and trendy digital crowd?
To mark the World
Telecommunication and Information Society Day and as part of the Czech Cultural Festival, the United Nations Information Service
(UNIS) Vienna, in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the United Nations, the Czech Centre Vienna,
this human world film festival and Top Kino, cordially invites you to the Ciné-ONU Vienna screening of the documentary “A
New Shift”, followed by a panel discussion.
Jindřich Andrš, Director of “A New Shift”
Tomáš Hisem, Protagonist of “A New Shift”
Michael Soder, Austrian Chamber of Labour
Konstantina Kostova, Economist, Counsellor, Delegation of the European Union to the International Organizations in Vienna (tbc)
Martin Nesirky, Director, United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna (Moderator)
“Ciné-ONU Vienna” is part of a Europe-wide initiative of regular film screenings of UN related topics followed by podium discussions with invited guests who were part of the film making process or are experts in the topic covered by the film. The United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna is honoured to have “Ciné-ONU Vienna” partner with this human world (THW) film festival and Top Kino for the regular film screenings in Vienna. For more information: www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/events/cine-onu-vienna.html
Jindřich Andrš, Director of “A New Shift”
Tomáš Hisem, Protagonist of “A New Shift”
Michael Soder, Austrian Chamber of Labour
Konstantina Kostova, Economist, Counsellor, Delegation of the European Union to the International Organizations in Vienna (tbc)
Martin Nesirky, Director, United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna (Moderator)
“Ciné-ONU Vienna” is part of a Europe-wide initiative of regular film screenings of UN related topics followed by podium discussions with invited guests who were part of the film making process or are experts in the topic covered by the film. The United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna is honoured to have “Ciné-ONU Vienna” partner with this human world (THW) film festival and Top Kino for the regular film screenings in Vienna. For more information: www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/events/cine-onu-vienna.html