Queer Shorts Vienna - QUEER EXPLICIT
Queer Shorts Vienna - Queer

#de Gemeinsam ist diesen thematisch und stilistisch vielfältigen Filmen das
Adjektiv “explizit”. In ihren unterschiedlichen Umsetzungen gelingt es ihnen, diverse Geschichten aus queeren Lebensrealitäten
zu erzählen. Wir sehen sowohl das Erkunden eigener Vorlieben, sexueller Träume und Fantasien, Liebe in Zeiten von Dating Apps,
befreiende Körperakzeptanz als Widerstand gegen body shaming, als auch den Umgang mit einer HIV-Erkrankung, Selbstverletzung
und daran anknüpfende Selbstvergebung.
Tickets kaufen / buy tickets
Tickets kaufen / buy tickets
NARCISO - Hedonistas, AR 2022,
6 min.
EDGE (Original: SKRAJ) - Edmund Aleksander Krempiński, Jakub Dylewski, PL 2023, 18 min.
CLAP - Esteph Medusa, BE 2022, 7 min.
AUTOAGGRESSION - Martin Willibald Meisl, Daria Vybornova, AT 2022, 27 min.
JUNE - Efthymios Charmalias, GR 2023, 2 min.
SUMMER NIGHT’S FANTASY - Guby Moon, ES 2022, 6 min.
Content Notes: Genderdysphorie, Body Shaming, Sexualisierte Gewalt, Selbstverletzung, Suizidale
#en These thematically and stylistically diverse films all share the adjective "explicit". In their different realizations they manage to tell diverse stories from realities of queer life in an exciting way. We see both the exploration of one's own preferences, sexual dreams and fantasies, love in the age of dating apps, liberating body acceptance as resistance against body shaming as well as dealing with HIV, self-harm and subsequent self-forgiveness.
Content notes: gender dysphoria, body shaming, sexualized violence, self-harm, suicidal thoughts.
EDGE (Original: SKRAJ) - Edmund Aleksander Krempiński, Jakub Dylewski, PL 2023, 18 min.
CLAP - Esteph Medusa, BE 2022, 7 min.
AUTOAGGRESSION - Martin Willibald Meisl, Daria Vybornova, AT 2022, 27 min.
JUNE - Efthymios Charmalias, GR 2023, 2 min.
SUMMER NIGHT’S FANTASY - Guby Moon, ES 2022, 6 min.
Content Notes: Genderdysphorie, Body Shaming, Sexualisierte Gewalt, Selbstverletzung, Suizidale
#en These thematically and stylistically diverse films all share the adjective "explicit". In their different realizations they manage to tell diverse stories from realities of queer life in an exciting way. We see both the exploration of one's own preferences, sexual dreams and fantasies, love in the age of dating apps, liberating body acceptance as resistance against body shaming as well as dealing with HIV, self-harm and subsequent self-forgiveness.
Content notes: gender dysphoria, body shaming, sexualized violence, self-harm, suicidal thoughts.