Charity-Screening: KOBANÊ
Bei der Solidaritätsveranstaltung für die Erbebenopfer in Kurdistan, der Türkei und Syrien wir
der Film „Kobane“ vorgeführt. Der Film der Regisseurin Özlem Yasar wurde 2022 veröffentlicht und handelt von der echten Geschichte
der Belagerung sowie Befreiung der Stadt Kobane. Im Widerstand gegen den IS erzählt der Film die Geschichte der kurdischen
Kämpferin Zehra. Nachdem der leitende Kommandant flieht, übernimmt Zehra seinen Platz und führt die Truppen selbst an. Die
Themen Verlust, Liebe, Heroismus und Aufopferung sind hierbei zentral.
Mit der Vorführung werden Spendengelder für die vom Erbeben betroffenen Regionen gesammelt. Kobane und andere von Kurd*innen besiedelte Städte sind von der Katastrophe betroffen. Menschen in Teilen der Türkei und Syriens sind ebenfalls auf Spenden angewiesen.
Eintritt: 12€
Mit der Vorführung werden Spendengelder für die vom Erbeben betroffenen Regionen gesammelt. Kobane und andere von Kurd*innen besiedelte Städte sind von der Katastrophe betroffen. Menschen in Teilen der Türkei und Syriens sind ebenfalls auf Spenden angewiesen.
Eintritt: 12€
It is 2014, and ISIS, which is at the peak of its strength and controls half of Syria and Iraq,
is advancing towards the Kurdish Syrian city of Kobanê.
Zehra, who is 32 years old, is part of the female Kurdish forces there. Together with her fellow fighters, they are combating ISIS with all their strength in the rural areas around the city, but ISIS keeps advancing with its brutal forces.
As the war reaches the city centre, Dijwar, the commander in charge of Zehra and the forces in Kobane, frightens and runs away. Zehra, who had already lost many of her beloved comrades, finds herself compelled to become the commander in charge and leads the resistance in the besieged city of Kobanê.
ISIS advance is slowed down with the arrival of Gelhat, an experienced guerrilla fighter, and his comrades who are familiar with urban war. But this lasts only for a while: ISIS, stronger in numbers and weapons, besieges them.
Exhausted, losing territory, becoming fewer in numbers, and about to run out of ammunition, the Kurdish fighters come up with a plan to retake the city. Yet, the plan falls apart when ISIS fiercely launches a crushing attack at them from all sides.
Gelhat and many others fall martyrs, but Zehra and the rest do not give up and resist with all their power. As ISIS members lose their spirit and start to disperse, Zehra leads the break of the siege. The liberation of the city begins.
This is a story of faith, resistance, heroism, sacrifice, love, comradeship, hope, betrayal, immorality, fear, and loss together with the intensity of war and revolution: “Nothing will ever be the same again”.
Zehra, who is 32 years old, is part of the female Kurdish forces there. Together with her fellow fighters, they are combating ISIS with all their strength in the rural areas around the city, but ISIS keeps advancing with its brutal forces.
As the war reaches the city centre, Dijwar, the commander in charge of Zehra and the forces in Kobane, frightens and runs away. Zehra, who had already lost many of her beloved comrades, finds herself compelled to become the commander in charge and leads the resistance in the besieged city of Kobanê.
ISIS advance is slowed down with the arrival of Gelhat, an experienced guerrilla fighter, and his comrades who are familiar with urban war. But this lasts only for a while: ISIS, stronger in numbers and weapons, besieges them.
Exhausted, losing territory, becoming fewer in numbers, and about to run out of ammunition, the Kurdish fighters come up with a plan to retake the city. Yet, the plan falls apart when ISIS fiercely launches a crushing attack at them from all sides.
Gelhat and many others fall martyrs, but Zehra and the rest do not give up and resist with all their power. As ISIS members lose their spirit and start to disperse, Zehra leads the break of the siege. The liberation of the city begins.
This is a story of faith, resistance, heroism, sacrifice, love, comradeship, hope, betrayal, immorality, fear, and loss together with the intensity of war and revolution: “Nothing will ever be the same again”.