OSCE premiere: Made to Measure
Made to Measure is an experiment that creates the doppelganger of a person based solely on their
personal online data. Five years of a person's life were reconstructed and filmed – with the original and her datafield double
meeting at the end of the experiment. The documentary illustrates how a fraction of a person’s online data is sufficient to
identify their interests, intimate personality traits, opinions and thoughts. It also shows the ability to predict – or even
manipulate – their behavior. In the interactive documentary, viewers can experience what conclusions can be drawn about a
person's character, psychology and future behavior through algorithms and artificial intelligence.
After the film, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media will open a panel discussion, which will be attended by the director of the film and two other experts.
The film is shown in cooperation with the OSCE and this human world.
FREE ENTRY – reserve your ticket online!
After the film, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media will open a panel discussion, which will be attended by the director of the film and two other experts.
The film is shown in cooperation with the OSCE and this human world.
FREE ENTRY – reserve your ticket online!
Experiment: Kann man eine Person allein anhand ihrer Online-Spuren nachbilden? Von jemandem, den man nicht kennt, eine_n Doppelgänger_in
erschaffen? Das Leben einer Person bis ins Detail nachbauen, nachspielen und verfi lmen? Ihre Persönlichkeit kopieren? Im
Sommer 2020 hat die Gruppe Laokoon durch Social-Media- Spots in mehreren Sprachen, Menschen dazu aufgerufen, bei Google und
Facebook die Herausgabe ihrer persönlichen Daten zu verlangen und diese Daten anonymisiert zur Verfügung zu stellen. Aus einem
Datensatz, der 5 Jahre eines Menschen dokumentiert, wurde ein Leben nachgebaut (gespielt von der Wiener Schauspielerin Nathalie
Ann Köbli) und schließlich mit der Realität verglichen.
An experiment: Can you recreate a person based solely on their online traces? Create a doppelganger of someone you don‘t know? Reconstruct a person‘s life down to the last detail, reenact it and fi lm it? Copy a personality? In the summer of 2020 the group Laokoon called on people to ask Google and Facebook to hand over their personal data. A life was recreated (played by Nathalie Ann Köbli ) from a data set documenting 5 years of a person’s life.
An experiment: Can you recreate a person based solely on their online traces? Create a doppelganger of someone you don‘t know? Reconstruct a person‘s life down to the last detail, reenact it and fi lm it? Copy a personality? In the summer of 2020 the group Laokoon called on people to ask Google and Facebook to hand over their personal data. A life was recreated (played by Nathalie Ann Köbli ) from a data set documenting 5 years of a person’s life.