New here? Interested in the holistic, the sensual? Well then I guess our festival’s Intro Porn
Shorts are just the right thing to dive into. We show you how to get down under lockdown, and present you with poetic female
journeys and inspiring sexual cheating fantasies. – Monogamy as a prison between love and desire. Body fluids are reinterpreted,
rediscovered! Fabulous queer performance meets electronic beats, and beautiful rituals stimulate our senses to feel complete
joy and passion. Finally: showers of glitter, screaming for equality and desire. And as we humans are always hungry, let’s
enjoy some pizza with special toppings! Our Intro Porn shorts are tasty!
SEX IN TIMES OF CORONA, Candy Flip & Theo Meow & Jo Pollux & Finn Peaks & Doxytocine
& Katy Bit & Binx & Johnny Jane & Dolores Maria & Toni Karat & Manon Praline & Hyenaz & Harvey
& Frau Dark & *spir@lena*, Germany, 2020, 8′, EN OV & GER subs
Coffee With Pleasure, Nina Server, United Kingdom, 2019, 16′, EN OV
Sparklight, Biche de ville, Belgium, 2019, 3′, FR OV
shine white, Dirty Dreadz, Germany, 2019, 13′
Gush, Kate Sinclaire, Canada, 2018, 14′, EN OV
Monogamie, Tavo Ruiz, Mexico, 2019, 3′
Want Me, Biche de ville, Belgium, 2018, 15′, FR OV + EN subs
Worlds of Desire: A trilogy about identity, sexuality and freedom, Film 01: identity, Manuel Klein & Hannah Schaich, 2020, 9′
The Pizza Topping, Ethan Folk & Ty Wardwell, Germany, 2019, 4′ (local only)
Etérea, Tino Monetti, Brazil, 2019, 5′, PT OV + EN subs
Coffee With Pleasure, Nina Server, United Kingdom, 2019, 16′, EN OV
Sparklight, Biche de ville, Belgium, 2019, 3′, FR OV
shine white, Dirty Dreadz, Germany, 2019, 13′
Gush, Kate Sinclaire, Canada, 2018, 14′, EN OV
Monogamie, Tavo Ruiz, Mexico, 2019, 3′
Want Me, Biche de ville, Belgium, 2018, 15′, FR OV + EN subs
Worlds of Desire: A trilogy about identity, sexuality and freedom, Film 01: identity, Manuel Klein & Hannah Schaich, 2020, 9′
The Pizza Topping, Ethan Folk & Ty Wardwell, Germany, 2019, 4′ (local only)
Etérea, Tino Monetti, Brazil, 2019, 5′, PT OV + EN subs