verschiedene, 51 min., OmdU
Zum dritten Mal gibt es im Rahmen von this human world, eineWettbewerbssektion für Kurzfilm, in diesem Jahr auch wieder formal beschränkt auf Animationen und experimentelle Arbeiten, mit einer Länge von bis zu 15 Minuten.
this human world will screen the films in two programmes. In CLOSED you can find characters who are locked away, inside or outside, politically or socially, visibly or invisibly. OPEN unites four deeply personal experimental films, for which filmmakers and audience have to open their hearts and minds in equal parts. This year`s jury Diana Cam Nguyen (Winner of last years prize), Birgitt Wagner and Elisabeth Hajek will award the best film with the Artist-in-Residence Program of Q21.


A DIFFERENT KIND OF DIVORCE, Amie Shea, US, 2018, OV, 13min.
DAGADOL, Mariachiara Pernisa / Morgan Menegazzo, IT, 2017, OV, 12min.
ANYWHERE YOU FIND YOURSELF, Morena Henke, CH, 2017, OmeU, 14min.
AS TIDES GO BY, Stefanie Weberhofer, AT/IT, 2018, OV, 13min

Tickets here